The Eucharist is always THE reason to come to Mass! That said, we in the music ministry also understand the importance of enhancing the liturgy with the appropriate music. As Bishop Barron writes:
would like to say a word about the properly delightful quality of the Eucharist
of which Thomas [Aquinas] speaks. Even the dullest and least appetizing fare
would suffice for the maintenance of life; but who among us doesn’t enjoy a
tasty and sensually appealing meal? So the Eucharist – in its sumptuous
liturgical setting, surrounded by music, art, and the Word of God, and the
prayer of the community – does more than sustain the divine life in us. It
delights us, as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet.
- Bishop Robert Barron, This is My Body
So, if music plays a factor in your choice of which Mass to attend, here’s a where each of our music groups is assigned.
Holy Thursday, 7:00 PM – Adult Choir
Good Friday
3:00 PM – Adult Choir
7:00 PM – Debbie Geary & Celeste
Harring, accompanied by Daryl Bichel
Easter Vigil, 7:00 PM – Adult Choir
Easter Sunday
8:00 AM – Emilie Rockett,
accompanied by Daryl Bichel
9:30 AM – Youth Choir & Worship
11:00 AM – Adult Choir
See you at the Triduum!
With my peace,
Carlo Serrano,
Music Director